Kota Damansara Food: SHELLOUT Seafood Restaurant – Louisiana Cajun Boil Fresh Seafood Feast

Seafood is one of yours truly favourite food; and when the invitation to review Shellout Seafood Restaurant 16-1 Jalan PJU5/15 Dataran Sunway Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya came by, there were no hesitation to rescheduled all the other review.

What is so special about the seafood that is served at Shellout Seafood Restaurant? The seafood are cooked using the the Louisiana Boil style. People of Louisiana USA are used to this cooking style; in which the seafood are boiled using a special seafood or crab recipe broth. The seafood are then interspersed on the table to be eaten with your bare hands and fingers; normally outdoor.

Shellout Seafood Restaurant was setup to have a sea faring theme since it is a restaurant that specializes in seafood and on most of its’ walls, you can see the graffiti that are drawn and written by customers who patronize the restaurant.

At Shellout Seafood Restaurant the recipe broth is the Louisiana Cajun Boil which has a slightly stronger taste with a slight spicy note. You can order your boil based on your tolerant level of spiciness; which is either on a mild, medium or the super spicy level which is known as OMG. You can also order the Original flavour (a stronger taste) or the Malaysian style (milder flavour and less salty).

The restaurant also served up some starter food like the one that we had; was the Sweet Potatoes Fries (RM9.90).

The second snack on the table was the Silver Pom-fret which came with French Fries. We love the Pom-Fret as it was fried to a very crisp and crunchy texture. You can literally eat every part of the fish including the bones.

Next came our first boil on the table which is the Big Crab (market price) in the Original flavor Shell Bang medium spicy level sauce. Customers can order the add on to the boil in which we had the Broccoli (RM10.90), Corn-on-cob (RM2.10 each) and Potato (RM8.80 for 3 pcs). The meat of the crab was very fresh and the sauce was very tasty with a strong cajun flavour. These meat crab are sourced from Indonesia.

To go with the sauce, we ordered the Garlic Bread (RM 9.90 for 6 pcs). Spread the sauce onto the crispy bread and viola, a toast that you just can’t stop eating.

Next on the table was the Yabbies or Crawfish (RM50.90 for 500g) in Black Pepper Sauce. Some customer remarks that it is quite challenge to eat these yabbies, but there is a very simple way to enjoy this crustacean, first you snap off the head and suck out the cream from the yabbies head, then you proceed to break the tail section, give a massage along both the sides of the yabbies from front to end and when you are done; Peel off the skin and viola you have a single piece of crawfish meat. Yummy.
This is followed by the Succulent King Prawns, (RM 55.90++ per 500 grams) on the Butter Garlic Sauce with OMG spicy level. Firm texture of the prawn is infused with butter and an aromatic garlic flavour; such that it melts in the mouth and leave a savoury aftertaste of this sauce.
Next on, is the Green Mussel (RM 31.90++ for 8 pcs) in a Lemon Pepper Sauce. This is another sauce that we like. The fresh mussel meat texture was firm and very succulent.

followed by the Bamboo Clams (RM 20.90++ per 500 gram) also in Lemon Pepper Sauce. This method of cooking the Bamboo Clams brings out the clams natural sweetness.

The next seafood on the table was the Giant Scallops (RM 29.90++ for 6 pcs) on a Butter Garlic sauce – medium. We like this sauce and the combination of the butter and garlic does brings out the full flavours of the fresh Giant Scallop meat; which has a very bouncy and a slight chewy texture.

Our last seafood which is the Star of the night is the Canadian Lobster with the Shell Bang sauce. For fans of lobster you really got to try this out. Although a little messy to eat, you can request the friendly staff to help you out with the dissection after you have feasted with your eyes and in our case, our cameras.
If you love fresh seafood and like to try out the Louisiana Cajun Boil style for a change, then head over to SHELLOUT Seafood Restaurant at Kota Damansara for your seafood fix. Make sure you made a prior reservation as it is usually pack.

Mutiara Damansara Food: Minori Japanese Restaurant Royal Chulan Damansara Hotel – Specialty Japanese Food.

Japanese is fond of eating exotic and prized seafood as it is. Little wonder when +BestRestaurant ToEat was invited to taste some of the special menu offering of MINORI Japanese Restaurant located The Royal Chulan Damansara Hotel 1st Floor No.2 Jalan PJU 7/3 Mutiara Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya.
Minori Japanese Restaurant is a multiple MIGF award winner restaurant that has showcase some of the authentic and traditional Japanese dishes that captivate its’ customer to continue to patronize the restaurant for some seasonal fare from time to time.
Set in a modern Zen style Japanese decorations, the restaurant has an elegant dining ambiance that are suitable for business and family dining. 
For this review; Chef Takahiro will be showcasing four of the dishes under his Omakase set. The first dish on the table was the Cod Fish Sperm Sashimi style which is the best way to eat it as you can taste its natural taste. This is the first time, we are tasting the Cod Fish Sperm. 
This Fish Sperm has a slippery soft white texture which is a popular delicacy during the winter season in Japan. When bitten it; together with a dip of the sauce, you can feel the bursting feel followed by a soft texture tau foo like musky taste of the cod fish. This Sashimi is complemented with chilled shredded radish, seaweed and scallion. 
The second dish is the Foie Gras Chawanmushi. Chawan mushi is one of yours truly favorite dish. The eggs texture are silky soft and was perfectly enhanced with the flavour and taste of the Foie Gras. Topped with a special sauce it was indeed a delight to slurp this velvety savoury egg dish. 
Next comes the in-house signature Minori Rolls. Using fresh ingredients such as soft shell crab and grilled eel was an interesting combination for this maki. Rolled it in with the natural sweetness of the avocados and dressed with a mayo based dressing, it was a delight to be eaten.
For dessert, we had the Fish Collagen Mochi Japanese Rice-Cake Dessert a.k.a Water Mochi. Water Mochi which has a soft and bouncy gelatin like texture; are made from fish bone and fish scales. You can then add in the Japanese Gula Melaka syrup; followed by the Finely Roasted Soya Bean powder and you have a dessert that is simple and delicious.
Make a date with Minori Japanese Restaurant to try out their Omakase style set and be prepared to be surprised with the offering of the chef.

Tao Authentic Asian Restaurant @Dataran Sunway, Sunway Giza Kota Damansara Selangor – Eat All You Can Japanese Buffet.

There are mainly 2 type of buffet in the market; one that have a spread out of all the dishes at the buffet counters whereas the other one is the ala-carte. Being a buffet junkie, where you want to taste everything, I personally prefer the ala carte buffet where you can order dish by dish. This way it is more relax and you really can taste out the dishes individually at your own pace.

With that +BestRestaurant ToEat was invited to taste the Japanese Buffet at Tao Authentic Asian Restaurant located at 2nd floor, No.2, Sunway Giza Mall, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya.

We like the atmosphere and the dining environment at Tao Authentic Asian Restaurant as it exudes a luxury feel while not burning a big hole in your pocket with their affordable pricing of the ala carte eat all you can buffet. Moreover there is a 4 hours time (lunch and dinner on week day) to enjoy this freshly prepared cuisine.

At Tao Authentic Asian Restaurant, not all the dishes are Japanese, there are a few bouts of Asian and Chinese dishes that are served although just a handful.

The young Chef Hew, recommended us to try some of the dishes from each section so that we can taste all the different cooking style and flavours. We started off with the MAKI section; which the first dish is the Crazy Roll – a combination of prawn tempura and salmon wrapped with sushi rice and topped with bonito flakes.

followed by the Green Dragon Roll – this roll is made up of deep fried prawn, cucumber, kani, avocado and mango. It has a very refreshing sweet mayo taste.

Next, we move to the NIGIRI /SASHIMI section where we were first served the Hokkigai which is an Arctic Surf Clam Sushi.

followed by the Unagi (Eel) Sushi

and the last sushi is the Ebi(Prawn) Sushi

We were then served the Moriawase Sashimi (Assorted Raw Fish). One of the most important test is to ensure that the fish was of good quality. For our meal, the combination raw fish was fresh and the texture was good.

Moving on to the next section is the ZENSAI, we tried the Awabi Ebiko (Abalone With Ebiko Sauce) we love the taste of this chilled abalone surimi.

and the GYOZA (Pan Fried Minced Chicken Dumpling). This dish came with a special sauce to accompany the gyoza.

The next section is the AGEMONO; we were served the Tempura Moriawase which is a platter of prawn tempura with a combination of vegetable like; brinjal, ladies fingers, sweet potatoes and so forth.

We also sample the KOROKKE which is the Japanese Croquette. The filling is made from sweet potatoes. We like the texture and the crisp feel when we take the first bite.

Under the TEPPANYAKI Section, we were served the Hot Plate Beef Bacon With Cream Cheese and Spring Onion. The texture of the beef bacon was just nice and with the cream cheese it gives a special flavour and served on a sizzling plates it exudes a nice aroma and flavour.
From here we moved to the next section which is the YAKIMONO; the first dish on the table was the IKA TERIYAKI which is Grilled Squid With Teriyaki Sauce. Although my preference for this dish is using Shio(salt) but the teriyaki sauce that was used was quite nice and blended well with the firm and bouncy white squid meat. Love this dish anytime.

This is then followed by the MOTOYAKI SCALLOP which is Baked Scallop With Spicy Mayo. With the spicy mayo there is a different twist of flavours for the scallop which I usually eat sashimi style.

Next on, is the KAKI HIROYAKI which is Baked Oyster With Cheese Mayo. The cream cheese blended well with the Baked Oyster. For those that loves a cheesy option with oyster, you would probably enjoyed it more than me.

And the final dish under this section is the AYU – Smelt Fish – This is a very small fish which is spread with salt and baked. To eat this ,we have to de-skin the fish and there is very little meat in it, but the excellent sweet taste of the fish was very worth the effort to dissect it.

Moving on the next section is the ITAMEMONO – we had the SAKE HAMAGURI – which is Stir Fried Clams With Japanese Rice Wine. According to chef, this is a very easy dish to prepare. You stir fried with garlic and butter and when it is almost cooked, you put in the SAKE to add the wine aroma and taste to this soupy dish. We finish all the soup till the last drop.

Our last section, is the KUSHIYAKI; we had the TEBASAKI – Chicken Wing yakitori. It is using salt to spread and sent to the griller. We like it as it is not too salty. Just nice with the crisp skin and succulent meat. Compared to the others Chicken wing yakitori that we had at other restaurant which usually only served 2 pieces of winglet on one skewers (authentic version), Here at Tao, it it the deboned drumet and winglet.

Next is the IDAKO – Baby Octopus.The marinated baby octopus are grilled to a nice charred while its juicy and bouncy texture of the octopus make it a delight to be eaten. If only we had more stomach, I will re-order this dish again.

Our final dish is the EBI which is grilled prawn. Grilled to a nice charred taste with the sweet and salty meat texture that was used to sprinkle on the prawn while grilling.

For this Christmas, Tao Chef have prepared a dish that will be served only on Christmas day which is Crispy Fried Chicken With 5 Flavour sauce. You only get to sample this dish on that day.

There are a few more section in the menu that we don’t even have anymore stomach space to put into any more. Even each section that we tried, it was only one or 2 dishes only and mind you there are also some delicacies on the buffet counter, appetizers and desserts that we literally cannot even eat at all. For the price that you pay for this all you can eat ala carte buffet; you really get the best value possible.

RM59.16 nett (Monday to Friday 12.00 to 4.00 pm)
RM71.92 Nett
(Monday to Thursday Dinner 5.30 to 10.30)
(Friday Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday 5.30 to 8.30pm , 8.30 -11.00)

For the month of December 2015 up to January 2016, Tao Authentic Asian Restaurant is offering a special group of for 20 pax (10% off), 30 pax (15% off) and 50 pax and above (20% off). 

Sukiya Malaysia @Sunway Giza Kota Damansara Petaling Jaya Japan’s Top Selling Gyudon

Although Sukiya Malaysia has set foot for more than 3 years, it has been relative unknown to many. +BestRestaurant ToEat was invited to taste Japan No 1 Gyudon from Sukiya Malaysia outlet located at 27-1, Jalan PJU 5/15, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810 Selangor Tel: 03 – 6143303.
Sukiya Malaysia outlet setup is one of a fast food type, where food can be ordered at the counter and served quickly to the diners with minimum fuss.
As per the corporate mission of Sukiya; which is to bring delicious food at affordable price to the masses culminating from a proven process. The process from procurement, manufacturing and logistics of its food produce are meticulously followed. One really have to taste the food served here to authenticate this claim. 
We started off the food review with none other than their best sellers and signature GYUDON Beef Rice (RM 6.40 (S), RM 8.40 (M), RM 10.40 (L)). The thinly sliced beef are from the grain fed cattle from Australia which has an excellent fat to meat ratio. Coupled with a special rice (a little sticky) and with the special strong onion flavour sauce, it was a very heartwarming and delicious rice dish. The serving of the meat that came with rice has a very generous serving as pictured above.
To go with the Gyudon, one can order an add-on set i.e the seaweed set which has a miso soup, a cold seaweed salad and a drink. This add on set cost RM5.50.
This is then followed by Teriyaki Chicken Rice (RM 8.40 (M), RM 10.40 (L)); we like the Teriyaki sauce, as it was just right the balance without being too overly sweet. The chicken thigh was grilled and coated with the teriyaki sauce and topped with scallion which adds to fragrant of the rice dish.
For this rice, we had it, with an add-on of the Seafood Tofu Set, which has 5 pieces of the fried tofu surimi with Miso soup and a drink at RM6.50.
The last Gyudon that we tried for the night is the Triple Cheese Gyudon (RM 8.40 (S), RM 10.40 (M), RM 12.40 (L)). The rice is topped with the same onion beef but for this special rice bowl, there are 3 types of cheese that are topped to it. To eat it, mixed the cheese with the rice and you get a gooey cheesy rice dish. 
For those non rice fan, Sukiya also offers a new range of Ramen; we had the Tokyo Ramen with chicken (RM 8.40). The broth is of a chicken based and for us the ramen was just ok compared with the Gyudon which was much more flavourful and tastier.
For the Ramen, we opted for the Kara-age add-on set which has a 3 piece of Crispy Ginger infused Fried Chicken which was fried to a crisp on the outside while the inside still retains the juicy and succulent thigh meat. The set also comes with a Miso Soup and a drink priced at RM6.50.

We are not a real fan of Japanese curries as we find them to be on a sweet side and the spicy level is extremely mild. But the Gyu-Curry (RM 12.40 (M), RM 14.40 (L)) was somewhat different and the spicy level was at an acceptable level with the same signature Onion Slice Beef.

We really find great value in the Don (rice) dishes as the quality of the meat that was served tasted very delicious and flavorful. For just RM8.40, you can get a reasonably big bowl of rice with top quality meat.

Pelicana Korean Fried Chicken – ECurve Mutiara Damansara – Delicious Korean Fried Chicken Review.

Most people just loves fried chicken; but a Korean Fried Chicken just came to town. Best Restaurant To Eat was invited to taste out the new Pelicana Korean Fried Chicken located at Level 1, Lot 1-43, eCurve Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya

Pelicana Korean Fried Chicken was established in 1982 in Korea and today has more than 2000 outlet throughout the world. The decor is one of a fast food restaurant style; where you order your delicious fried chicken and then enjoy it.

One of the unique point of Pelicana Fried Chicken is the special recipe batter that it uses to coat the chicken; it does not absorb too much oil during the frying process. This helps the fried chicken to show not too much traces of oil and it also maintain the crispiness even after leaving it for a while. The chicken that is used at Pelicana is a premium chicken which must meet the minimum weight so that each piece of chicken is consistent in its serving size.

Besides serving the 5 types of original Korean Fried Chicken, Pelicana also serves burgers too – much of this later but let start with the signature Fried Chicken.

There are 5 different flavours of Fried Chicken that are served at Pelicana Korean Fried Chicken; the first of which is the Peli Crunchy Fried Chicken.

Smothered with a secret recipe batter, the chicken wings and drumstick are firstly coated with this batter and deep fried to a golden crunch and crisp chicken.

Koreans really love to eat their Fried Chicken with a sauce coating; which the first one; of the four flavour that we are going to eat is coated with the original sauce which is a peanut based sauce that has a tad of slight sweetness and very low spicy taste.

This is the called the Peli Yang Nyeom Original Chicken dose with sprinkle of sesame seed. Note: All the chicken is using the same batter to coat before frying.

While the next is the Peli Yang Nyeom Spring Onion Chicken.

From the taste, we could easily taste that wasabi was one of the ingredient used to make the sauce. 

Next, we had the Peli Yang Nyeom Charcoal BBQ Chicken.

This sauce has a second level of spiciness in it. After your first bite, the spiciness taste will lingers around your mouth for some time. It has that special after effect. For those who loves to eat their chicken that has an oomph, you might want to give this a try.

The last flavoured sauce it the Peli Yang Nyeom Hot Spice Chicken.

This sauce have a level 3 spicy level; in that after your first bite, the spicy taste lingers not only in your mouth but in your throat. Seriously, I too find the spicy level a tad too high for me. If you really game to try this my suggestion is either you be prepared to order lots of ice water or

for me a Pina Colada which is a Pineapple Coconut smoothies to go with the Hot Spice Chicken.

At Pelicana Korean Fried Chicken, the side dishes that are served is the seasoned raddish (Musaengchae) , Seaweed salad (Miyeok Muchim) and the Korean Fragrant Rice. The rice is cooked with seaweed and black sesame which was a good complement to the Fried Chicken.

For a big family or a group of friends, you can opt to order a special platter which can be eaten either as a 4 pax or 6 pax set. Ordering this platter allows you and your friends to taste the different flavours of Pelicana Fried Chicken and side orders.

For those that prefers their chicken to be eaten as a burger, you can opt for the Peli Jumbo Fillet Burger which has a piece of golden fried chicken fillet served with tomatoes, lettuce and cheese.

or if you not game for any chicken, you can try out the Peli D’Fish Spicy Burger which is replace by a piece of Fried Fish Fillet.

If you are a real fan or just plainly loves Fried Chicken, you might want to go to Pelicana at the Curve to enjoy this delicious Fried Chicken.
For Other Related Food ReviewBy Best Restaurant To Eat, please click on the link below

Bmon Café @ Strand Kota Damansara – Japanese Cartoon Inspired Café Review

There are many famous and popular Japanese cartoon like Doraemon,Pikachu and so on but there is a local café which have created its’ own character which is called Bmon and started the Bmon café which is located at 8-1, Jalan PJU 5/20B  Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya near the Strand Shopping Mall. Best Restaurant To Eat was invited to do a food review at Bmon Café.
The café concept exudes the modern and cartoonish theme of the place. Your first feel is a simple setting that exudes a carefree and playful place, where you can sit, relax, have a meal or a sip your favourite drink while chatting or just hanging out with your friends.
Even the menu has a very simple list of food offering ranging from sandwiches, pizza to waffles and so on.
There are many hand drawn cartoon drawn by the owner of the cafe, lining up its’ wall with verses of living in a fun and care free world. 
So who is Bmon – the character that means everyone must have a dream(s) to chase with, and achieve it.
We started the review with the Fruit Salad. Sprinkle with freshly cut strawberries, pineapples, raisins, fresh garden salad and toasted croutons, it was a refreshing start for the day
Next, we had the Caesar Salad with Tuna Mayo, similar to the Fruit Salad but replaced the Fruits with a spoonful of Tuna Mayo.
After which, we had the Wrap, the first of which is the Mushroom Wrap – which is a thinly wrap with a mixture of flavourful mushroom and mayo infused blend. 
this is then followed by the Chicken Mayo Wrap
Next on line, was the All Day Breakfast set which comprise of Beef Bacon, Jumbo Sausage, Mushrooms, Eggs, Baked Beans, a piece of Hash Browns, Salads and two pieces of Toast Bread. This breakfast set is an ideal way to start the most important meal of the day.
For the Pasta offering, Bmon Café serves the Chicken Mushroom Carbonara
and the Chicken Bolognese. 
For Sandwich offering, we tried the Bmon Sandwich (Turkey Ham). Sandwiched between the croissant was a 2 piece of Turkey Ham with some crisp fries and salad on the side.
Next, was the Mushroom-Vege Pizza, it is a thinly oven baked crusted pizza. The crust was very crunchy and is good as a snack too rather than a filling pizza.
The next pizza was the Hawaiian Pizza which was generously topped with pineapples and sprinkles of chicken pieces.
For desserts we started with Chocolate Mud with Ice-cream and decorated with Bmon figurine.
and Waffles with Ice-Cream and Fruits. The batter waffles mix was nice, with the waffles having a crisp and meaty texture which blended well with the ice-cream and the fruits that adds a refreshing mix to the waffles.
Lastly, I had the Affogato which is of a single dose of espresso with the Vanilla Ice Cream.
For drinks, I had a zesty Ice Soda with Apple.
Overall, we find Bmon Café @ Strand Kota Damansara a very nice and cozy place to chill and hangout with some buddies over some simple delectable food.

Yakiniku Ishiya @ Kota Damansara Strand Encorp Mall Japanese BBQ Best Yakiniku Review

BBQ has always been one of my favourite meal as this dish is simple and with the right marinade will blossom up the full flavours of the meat. We were invited to try out a Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ meat) Restaurant outlet which is Yakiniku Ishiya @ Kota Damansara located at 58G & 60G, Jalan PJU 5/22, Encorp Strand Pusat Dagangan  Kota Damansara, Kota Damansara PJU 5, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Yakiniku Ishiya started in Dec 2013 and is one of the household name when it comes to BBQ in Japan, we understand that there are 10 such outlets in Japan which started its roots from Kyoto Japan (which serves nothing but BBQ only).
The décor of Yakiniku Ishiya is very Japanese and even the table was specially imported from Japan and this includes the BBQ roaster set. These table and roaster set provide a smokeless BBQ and you can dine in the comfort of an air-conditioned cosy indoor area.
We understand that there are very stringent in the quality of the serving and the entire operation in that their Japanese counter parts pays them a monthly visit to ensure that there is consistency in the entire operation of Yakiniku Ishiya @ Kota Damansara.
One of the most important criteria about BBQ is in the Yakiniku recipe, Yakiniku sauce and of course the fresh quality meat and seafood which are marinated with the secret marinade recipe and the special concoction of tare (dipping sauce) which enriches the naturally flavour of the meat.
At Yakiniku Ishiya, it offers a wide variety of meats, seafoods and vegetables that are suitable for grilling, which you can order either ala-carte or as a set (which they are running a promotion). The pieces of meat are cut to precise thickness so that it will be easily cooked in the BBQ roaster without over burning it during this fun process of roasting your meat (minus the prespiration). There are specially prepared tongs for you to use for the grilling process too.
Awesome Smoked Duck – Perfect for grilling out the fats.  
Fresh New Zealand Beef – just the right size, watch it turn from RED to PINK and it is ready to be eaten straight from the roaster.
No Musky Lamb Taste – New Zealand Lamb  – We were surprised that the lamb does not have the usual musky smell and taste which we later found out that the chef was able to clear off the musky taste of the lamb, which is superb for those that does not really like that taste and yet like to eat grill lamb shoulder.
Juicy Tender Chicken Meat – the meat was very tender and upon roasting you can really taste the juicy meat and flavours of the marinade that goes well with the dipping sauce.
Springy Squid – As the squid was very fresh, upon roasting you can see them curl up right before your eyes and are able to taste the sweet, chewy and bouncy squid meat.
Perfect roast full of BBQ food.
Currently Yakiniku Ishiya @ Kota Damansara is having a limited promotion for you to try out the Yakiniku i.e. for RM48.00 you get to choose either three out of five meats which can be eaten by 2 person. So, head over to try out this Yakiniku.
Besides serving Yakiniku, they also serves out some other ala-carte Japanese dishes like Sushi, Ramen, Teppanyaki, Tempura and etc.
We get to sample 2 of the new specialty dishes which is the Cheese Stick- Deep fried spring roll with cheddar cheese – best eaten straight away – it is a cleverly combination of the cheese rolled into the popiah skin and deep-fried – very crispy and cheesy taste.
Golden Dragon Maki – Deep Fried Tempura Prawn and Flying Fish Roe is a very unique dish which is a Prawn maki make to resemble a dragon. It is first roll up and then deep fried with a coat of tempura batter till crisp and cut into pieces and assemble as a dragon. I gotten to eat the dragon head which the prawn head was still crispy and retains the full flavour of the prawns roe and the vinegar of the sushi rice.
We also had the Wagyu Don – which is wagyu sliced beef with special sauce. The beef was cooked to medium done and you can really taste the tender meat with the special sauce and served with the white rice.
We also tried out the Chicken Teppanyaki  – it was well marinated and pan fried,  the taste was flavourful and best eaten with rice.
Mixed Tempura Moriawase – The batter was crisp and the dipping sauce went well with the prawn and vegetable tempura.
For more desserts, we had the in-house made Green Tea Ice Cream With Red Beans Topping.
and Black Sesame Ice-Cream 
At Yakiniku Ishiya Kota Damansara, you get to taste all the different Japanese cuisine in one restaurant. So, the next time when you are around the Kota Damansara area and yearn for some good quality Japanese dishes, then you know where the place to go.

Watch Our Full Review of Yakiniku Ishiya Kota Damansara on YouTube

Unique Chinese Burger Bear Paw Restaurant Kota Damansara Petaling Jaya – Best Restaurant To Eat

Of late there have been a growing trend for burgers, but at Bear Paw Restaurant located at 25, Jalan PJU 5/9 Kota Damansara Petaling Jaya, which serves a Chinese style burger with its based using the Man Tou. Bear Paw originate from Taiwan, it has a different Chinese Burger style which uses stewed pork as the filing as compared to Bear Paw which uses Fried Chicken patties much like McDonalds McChicken.

At Bear Paw, the concept is similar to SUBWAY where you can CHOOSE BUN, CHOOSE PATTY, CHOOSE SAUCE. Here, there are 3 choice of bun that is Milk, Brown Sugar and Whole Wheat. The milk bun taste very much like the Man Tau which have a bear paw imprints. I prefer the Brown Sugar which blended well with the Chicken Patties.

Here the customer have a choice of filling i.e. Chicken, Spicy Chicken, Fish, Ham and Squid (unfortunately we did not get to taste this as it is a new item and will be available soon. After that, you will need to choose the sauces which are Chilli, Thousand Island, Thai, Honey Mustard, Tartar or Teriyaki. Besides the choice of Bun, you can also opt for white rice instead.


We ordered a couple of drinks from the menu which are fresh fruit tea series i.e. Passion Fruit Green Tea, Brown rice Tea, Mint Soda Sparkling drink and Yakult series. For me the stand up drink was the Mango and Lemon Yakult.

Our first bun of the day is Brown Sugar with Spicy Fried Chicken and Honey Mustard sauce. The brown sugar bun was very soft and have tinge of sweetness that blended well with the crispy spicy fried chicken which was quite chunky and quite a good mixture with the Honey mustard sauce.

Next comes the Milk Bun with Ham and Thousand Island sauce. The sauce was quite flat and did not mix too well with the Ham and the Bun much like just a Ham sandwich.

Our third bun to come on the table was the Whole Wheat bun with Fried Chicken with Teriyaki sauce. The Teriyaki sauce which have a tinge of sweetish taste was also quite a combination. Normally Teriyaki sauce will blend well with the BBQ Chicken, but here with Fried Chicken, it was not a bad combination either. The whole wheat bun was also quite soft and fluffy (not one that I expect from whole wheat which tends to be on the harder side.

Next on the table is the Pumpkin Bun ( not on menu yet) with Fish and Tartar sauce. I find the fish patties a little too soft and the batter is quite thick. It also does not have the taste of  fish and once you bite into it, it sort of break off leaving on the crisp batter and the bun.